今、ケニアに米国のオバマ大統領が来訪中で、厳戒体制がしかれているのですが、 主要道路等が封鎖された関係で、いつも参加していただいているACEF様の参加が残念ながら難しくなり、今回は、私たちだけでの単独開催となっています。
・Keep it up. Program is good!!
・I totally agree with everything being tought. Environment is cue we need.
・The seminar has been very useful to us for being aware on how to keep our environment and respect resources.
・It could be better if the community is well informed educated.
・Thanks for making us understand about environment and know that it is important that we promote LBI in Korogocho.
・It's a nice idea to bring environment to Korogocho and also better to bring the cleanliness to the nine villages in Korogocho so as to change our Korogocho and remain clean.
・People should think hard on "Mottainai"
・This seminar encourages me about environment.
・This seminar is useful to the Korogocho community. Thanks for LBI to bring light to the people.
・This seminar is very helpful for our community. It can change our environment to be very beautiful and good fresh air. We shall plant trees for good air.
・It was encouraging and motivating to me. I really learned something from what I heard.
・LBI is very good. It can change and help us clean environment.
・Your information is well comprehended.
・I would like to join LBI seminar again.
・I had no idea of the word "Mottainai" existed, and to find out its meaning. it is interesting. I definitely want not to only to join LBI seminar again but be part of LBI environmental movement.