合言葉は、"Come together, Join together, Happy together!" です。
1. The community in Korogocho has a lot to offer to the rest of world.
Question: What are these strong points in Korogocho that can add value or unprecedented value to Korogocho as a community?
2. LBI aims to promote the unique and original strong points in Korogocho for producing a new value to people in Korogocho.
Question: How do you think this may be achieved?
3. The empowerment of women and children is our fundamental principle.
Question: What can the empowerment of women and children bring to Korogocho community
4. Women empowerment in Korogocho has a great impact in Korogocho, and I believe it has the same impact on Kenya. (This may not be very clear to everyone.)
LBI needs to make it clear to the audience in the workshop, who are not directly interested parties.
Question: How can LBI make it clear for everyone, that women empowerment would have great impact in Korogocho?
Question: What kind of good thing does the women and children empowerment in Korogocho bring to Nairobi and Kenya society.
5. Identify and clarify the issues that Korogocho faces from the people's voice and strength points of Korogocho, which makes difference from other slum community
Question: What are the issues that face Korogocho ?
What advantages or positive things do people of Korogocho have, compares to other informal settlements in Nairobi etc?
6. Discuss about job ideas using Japanese resources and markets
Question: What products can you manufacture targeting Japanese resources and markets?